Issuing volume: 50 000
Issuing date: 2021
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Description: Latvia declared its independence on 18 November 1918; however, the War of Independence still continued and it was only in 1920 that the Constitutional Assembly was elected. On 26 January 1921 the Supreme Council of Entente comprising five countries: the UK, France, Italy, Japan and Belgium, recognised Latvia de iure. This decision triggered wide recognition of Latvia internationally. Soon countries like Poland, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Persia, Austria, Portugal, Romania and others recognised the Republic of Latvia. With the de iure recognition of Latvia, the State of Latvia became a fully-fledged subject of international public law.
Issuing volume: 412 000
Issuing date: 2021
Description: Free press Supporter of Finnish democracy.
Issuing volume: 800 000
Issuing date: 2021
Feature: 200th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Carniola Provincial Museum
Issuing volume: 991 000 coins
Issuing date: 2021
Meritxell is a village in Andorra, located in the parish of Canillo in the north of the country near the French border. Our Lady of Meritxell is the patron saint of Andorra.
In the village is the Basilica of Our Lady of Meritxell, which replaces the original Romanesque style sanctuary burnt down in a fire in 1972. It houses a replica of the Romanesque carving of the Virgin that was also destroyed in the fire.
Mintage: 70 000